Adult Violin Lessons

Auckland violin teacher
Auckland violin teacher
Susan Davis (Bmus)
Hello, I'm Auckland violin teacher 
Susan Davis (BMus).  


aucklandviolinist  (@)

The adult violin pupils at my Devonport violin studio are often very successful, whether starting or re-starting violin.  

I teach adults violin with a special method, using the adult ability to understand and analyse.

Adult violin pupil Ben

Many adult violin pupils can soon become competent amateurs, such as this young man who joined the local orchestra after just 3 years after never playing before.  

Adult violin pupil Julia

Within a few months, Julia could play grade 2 level pieces and we enjoy playing duets.

See References for words from adult learners as well as pupils' parents.

So come and use my method and learn the violin :)


With my method, pupils who practise can soon:

Tune their instrument

Have a good violin- and bow-hold
Produce a nice tone and play in tune
Read music at a basic level
Play some grade 1 - 2 pieces
Play in several keys
Enjoy basic ensemble playing
Prepare for their first exams, if desired

I also teach advanced pupils up to grade 8 level.

    My Devonport violin studio is convenient from Belmont, Bayswater, Takapuna 

    and from the Auckland city ferry:

     Auckland violin lessons.