Note Names and Rhythms


Note name game:

The lines upwards are EGBDF (Every Good Boy Deserves Fun) and the spaces are FACE.

For violists (alto clef), the lines are  FACEG and the spaces Good Boys Deserve Fun. 


Explore during lessons and online what minim, crotchet, quaver and semiquaver mean.

Online rhythm practice:  - Choose the 'level 1' option at first.

Three ways to practice the rhythms of your pieces:
1. Clap the basic beat (e.g. 4 beats per bar, or 2 or 3), and then say 'daaa, da, da' or whatever the rhythms is.
2. Count aloud, clapping the rhythm. For quavers  say the 'and' aloud, as in 'One and Two and Three and Four and'.  For semiquavers, you can say 'one-ee-and-a   two-ee-and-a' etc.

3. Count aloud and move your bow arm in the correct rhythm.  You can even play the rhythm on an open string while counting aloud.